From you
From you to me. Firstly, my heart is thankful and grateful for being able to offer this page that you helped me build.
This is a space where you gifted me some taste and lead that I am doing okay…doing what I do.
From You, this is where I begin to see how Yoga and Ayurveda are leaders in bringing health into peoples lives.
My gifts also get the finger pointed at them Little do I understand the nature of quietness. But somehow people receive it from me. I always knew massage, relaxation and meditation are life changing. But I thought it was just me that felt that.
From you to me, these comments, some are old. When I had just learned early lessons. Now my work is refined. Clearer. Kinder.
There is no hurry. What I learned over the years, from my own experience and the witness of others beloved to me.
No one can rush healing. Healing is not back pedalling. Healing is making a choice every moment, to begin new. To begin with an open heart to care for ones body, mind and heart. It is slow. It is meant to be slow because it is a preparation for whatever comes next.
To build this page is like gathering leaves in The Phoenix park….it’s hard to find all of them when you need them. But here is a smattering.
Thank you for being with me on my journey, and thank you for allowing me into yours.
All there is to know? Is Love love love,