Meditation is the basis of Yoga. 

Begin Meditation with Kelly Series 10 starts Sept 30 Text Kelly 086 1778369

Meditate with Kelly 10

Meditation is finding out what makes us tick

Meditation is finding out what makes us tick, and talk.
We find out why we have a bug bear about toothpaste squeezed out of the tube and oozing everywhere. We can find healing for our reactivity when the story is three years old and our pain feels new. Again and again.
With our own supportive nature, we can keep we can let the emotions arrive without fear. It's all about the right time and patience. Gently waiting for the day when our inner silence arrives and we see we are no long in that vulnerable space. We are safe and present to all that arrives.
There is no right or wrong way to meditate. All forms are useful and you will find a form that suits you too. Yoga has a structure and Ayurveda helps you find a practice that will suit your dosha type. Most of all, if you hope to start, stare right now. It's the only way. Meditation has its own flow and the correct nature for you will come.  The first part is to start.
And then step by step, find a resource, find a time to be consistent. There you have found a space to be with you. x